Okay I know I haven't posted in a while, but I am back now and working on things. Why you might ask? Well because it helps keep me happy.
Those of you who know me know I fight depression every day. Some days it is a struggle to get out of bed, other days it is not but I always seem to have this shadow hanging over me. One of the things that helps me is creating things. Weather it is in writing, drawing, weaving, knitting, or painting there is a joy for me to do those things. So for my artistic endeavors I have come up with a plan, a List of Five. I did this with the generalities of my life over on my personal digging through the dredges of my soul blog. This List of Five is specific to my artistic/creative endeavors.
1. Knit one toy a month ~ I love knitted toys and feel they are highly underrated for giving joy.
2. Write for at least fifteen minutes a day on some sort of story ~ this does not include blog or journaling posts.
3. Take more pictures ~ go for walks and bring the camera, do a deliberate walk downtown.
4. Pull out and 'finish' one un-finished project a month ~ I hate finishing in my fiber projects, which is the reason I like knitting in the round, not as much finishing.
5. Draw something of The Moosehold Chronicles each month ~ I have been wanting to work on this for a while but am savvy enough to know the way of the book now to e-book reader. So, I will work on both ways.
But I suppose you want to see some pictures too...
Yep I finished it... a little bit ago but I finished it. I gave myself tennis shoulder which was aggravated by my job but I finished it. I will in the next couple of weeks have photos of the other things I have been working on (including a little hand sewn project for the roomie) but they are gifts and well I don't want people to see them yet.
So the HAPPY THING for the day... oh I should explain the HAPPY THING.
HT is a promise I have made to the people around me to find one happy thing about the day. Hey I am a depressive sometimes that happy thing is kinda hard. So... here I go.
The HAPPY THING for today (well actually it is yesterday), Chavi curled in my lap for about 45 minuets. (Chavi is the wiggly one so that is unusual.)