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Thursday, May 31, 2012

B is for the stars.

I was wracking my brain for B... I had nothing in my string work that I considered a B... until it occurred to me...

B is a thing of beauty....

And there is one piece I am so proud of and think is beautiful.  My starry night...

Then I thought to add one with me wearing it...

I love this shawl... just love it.

All for  Jenny Matlock

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wrinkly snake skin or sweater?

Still not doing any cardio-knitting at the moment.  The ankle is still swollen slightly.  Or rather it comes and goes.  A little frustrated with that... but I did finally get my sweater going strong. 

I know it looks like a curled up snake skin, but it is a small ways in.  Twenty-three rounds in, almost done with the twenty-fourth, and over 500 stitches around.  Really I will be getting this done before the end of July. 

I can't wait to see how it turns out. 

I am going to have to find a really cool shawl pin to use as a closer though, I think.

Anyway... I just wanted to share.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A is for stuffed toys? (Amigurumi)

I love making toys.  Knitted specifically.  If I could figure out how to make them on the sewing machine or with a needle and thread I probably would.  But somehow.. I don't have the patience.  I know funny considering I have the patience to knit them.

Growing up I had stuffed animals all over my room.  They were the best toys ever to me.  One of the ones I remember was a three foot tall Raggedy Anne doll my mom knit.  No I a not kidding, at age nine I had a knit doll that was almost as tall as I was.  I could put my own cloths on this doll... it was awesome.

I haven't tackled a toy that size, yet.  Most of mine are in the smaller range.

Recently I finished off Cecil the Cephalopod for my cousin who is having a baby..

I love all the little legs... so fun.

And I made Vet Jaden, a gargoyle, for another friend who is having a baby (still need to ship him out).

 But my favorite toy I have knitted, more for myself, is also a gargoyle (I love that pattern)... his name is Leanord and his best friend is a stuffed chibi Optimus Prime...

 I know I will be making more toys, and I think that is great.  Currently I have a set of dolls I am making (I am sure they would prefer to be called action figures but they aren't plastic).

Edit: Totally forgot to add this... Why A?  Well, I have started an Alphabet blog circle.... and here is the wonderful picture link to check out other posts as well...

Jenny Matlock

Monday, May 21, 2012

Coloring Glass

I have quite a few things to talk about but I am trying to do one at a time.  So I will share something I finished up today. 

There is a swap that I am a part of and for the package I am sending out I made some jars.  Painted them actually with glass paint.  I think they turned out really cool.

Three jars with three things. 

Frog eggs (Lemon Heads)

Pixie poo (Hershey Kisses)

And Spider Skin with antidote (which is not pictured here but is fruit leather and tea.)

I had fun making them and might try some more possibilities too.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A week ago....

Well, a week ago I lost against the stairs at the movie theater...

this week, I had my mom (a Registered Nurse and Certified Massage Therapist) look at it and said, yeah you hurt it.  No training for walking until August (mid-August)

So, this is how my ankle looks most of the time now...

Yes, it is pretty blue nail polish, but the foot will remain wrapped for a long time.  I take it off when I go to bed but right now that is about the only time.

If I could get a good picture of the bruise I would but apparently my camera and the angle I have it at doesn't want to photograph well.  Maybe soon.

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a baby gift, it's a monster... no it's a cephalopod!!!!

I finished it and it was loved.

Yep, I finished Cecil the Cephalopod.  Originally he was Ollie the Octopus, because I couldn't figure out a name to go with cephalopod, but then someone I worked with said Cecil and it just stuck.  I love it.

There he is.  Oh yeah, I had fun making him too.  I so want to make another one.  I am thinking for a swap I want to do in December. 

The hardest part was connecting all of the arms.  They were all done separately.  And well I couldn't resist a little picture for my friend James....

You get the feeling he is just thinking that this could not be a good thing.

Leanord also liked him... once he was completed.

I keep making friends and sending them away.  I am going to have to make some friends that can stay soon or Leanord is going to rebel.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I didn't win this one... the stairs did.

Again I had a wonderful post I was going to post.  Talk about a meal I made a couple of weeks ago, but alas, that is not to be.

I went and saw the Avengers Movie today.  It was good.  Stay to the end of the credits... all the way.  It is great.

That, however, is not what I am here to talk about.  I had a little encounter with the movie theater stairs. 

Now, I know I have weak ankles.  They 'fold' all the time.  They twist and turn and get pushed a lot.  That being said.  I have never, severely hurt my ankles... until today.

Now this one doesn't really show it.  Wait one more moment....

There we go.  Yep, I can't walk on it right now.  It is the size of a baseball and it hurts.  My roomie, placed and ice pack on it and I burst into tears. 

Before that though I called into work, later than I am suppose to and told them I could not work.  I feel horrible.  I don't like doing that, but I am not out dancing, I am sitting at home with my foot propped up and an ice pack in place and this sucks.  It is hard walking up and down the stairs.  It SUCKS!!!

I just hope I can walk and work tomorrow.  We need me to work tomorrow, there is no one to call in, and there are huge bakes at four of the stores, so I need to be there.  I really do.  GAH! This really sucks.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Too busy to tell people what is going on....

I know... I know... it has been over a week and no updates on any sort of string or ferret projects. 

Well, the world off-line has been running me a little bit ragged, but I am feeling much better.

I am working on getting my space a little more organized and I am taking my time with that.  I am not rushing through it this time, so that it might actually (crosses fingers and sends out good energy to the universe for this) stay a bit more organized. 

Work has also been keeping me very busy... forty-plus hours a week.  But I have been making pretty challah, I think I spelled that right.

But I have been writing a touch too.  I can't show off my knitting yet because most of it is for gifts... when I get a touch further on my sweater (beyond three rows and connected in a round), I will show off that a bit. 

Until that time,. enjoy a bit of creativity over at Furry Slinkies, there is some ferrety fun going on there.