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Monday, June 21, 2010

Crazed but heading off for renewal.

Just to let you know I am not dead... just really crazed at the moment.

I have not abandoned the FCF, but am giving it another week to stew brew and become what it needs to. 

I will have an abundance of posts here soon as I am working on pictures and knitting projects and JaFax is this coming weekend.

Thank you for your patients and understanding as I take a much needed vacation to calm my spirit and renew my soul.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ponder... the Apocalypse

I have a dilemma ... yeah me.  I started something for my FCF but then got inspired to potentially do something different.  Now, here is the question...

Do I start this other project and put the original on hold?  


Do I finish the first one and do the other one for another FCF?

Personally I think the second idea is a better fit for this FCF, but it would mean yet again starting it late.  However, the second idea is only a day make and maybe a half a day writing and a half a day putting the pictures together.

Well, I will have to think about it today because I really don't have a lot of time to work on stuff today.

I did however find a new group I am likeing to listen to.  I will need to pick up a couple more itunes cards because I can't seem to find them anywhere else... or rather don't want to deal with MySpace, which seems to be the only other way to get their music.

Oh the group...

The Butterbeer Experiance.

I really like their stuff.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Photos... into the woods.

So I thought I would start to share my wonderful new thing I am trying to do at least once a week.  Something I like to call picture day.  I love photography and enjoy just going out and taking pictures.  Sometimes it is of people sometimes it is of places and things and other times they are planed photographs.  Things I have set up people I have posed.   

This first grouping is actually from June 1, 2010.  It was a Tuesday and I was wandering with Nicci around Wilcox park… it was fun.

As we walk into the wooded area we see something…

And Nicci points it out and we approach it…

A bridge across troubled waters?

Well… she thinks so…


… and has to pose too.

So we went on and I kept seeing pictures to be taken…

and Nicci kept finding ways to be little miss climbs around…

but we can’t forget  the lipstick… have to look good after all.

We kept moving and I found some interesting things and woundered where this went too.

Found a little more of man in nature…

As we were walking back to our cars I saw a couple of others things that caught my eye… doorways… I like doorways and windows…



There are more that I took this is just a small sampling of what I did.  You can see more at my Deviant Art Gallery… the link is below.

Ferrets, photos and string… oh my!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

FCF... fail.

I was not quite motivated enough to finish my project for FCF this week.  It was a cool idea but just not enough to push me to finish.  Instead I kept looking at the FCF jar.  It was so empty so blank and I have no time to spruce it up right now.

That is what it looks like.  It was an old Meijers Dill Pickle jar.  And it needs to be fuller than it is and I am looking towards all of you to help me out.  I need phrases quotes weird words to fill this jar up so that then I have more than just my memories and thoughts to work from.   So email me, message me, snail mail me (for those who know where I live), comment here or at one of my other journals.  Just give me some idead what to put in there.  Then I can figure out if it needs to be spruced up.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun with Peeps

Hey… I just made a pretty little lunch for the roomie today. 

It was a slightly failed attempt at a cocoon in my opinion.  I was trying to make the pepper the cocoon and the tomato slices the wings but it just did not work.  The peach slices on a cloud though look nice.  I will have to work at this.

However my attempts at peepshi turned out better, far better in my opinion. 

This was my first attempt at peepshi.  Granola bars with peeps and fruit rollup strips.

I first saw peepshi over the Easter season.    A friend of mine on Facebook put up this link Peepshi and well I thought I would have some fun with it.

 This is my second attempt at peepshi.  Yes that is a peanut butter cup cut in half and put on the granola bar.  I wanted to do a really neat hand roll for the front of this box but the fruit rollups did not want to unroll, so I must go on the quest for appropriate fruit rollups for peepshi.  The little rolls are half peeps with Mike n’ Ike’s in the center as well as this new feature from my previous attempt.

The new feature is … “wasabi”. 

I know the picture is very very blurry but this is what it is…

 I cut those little buggers in half and added them this time.  It was a fun.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Coffee Mug Girl's Coffee

I finally got the pictures.  Yep here it is the 76 coffee house.

Here is the front... right next to the best hot dog place ever.

Nice sign to show the hours that they are open.  They used to be open 24/7 but they just were not getting enough business between 4am and 9am to pay their employee, or the bills.

A wonderful little coffee house that serves home roasted coffee and has a set of baristas to die for.  They are a good blend of down to earth and social know how, with savvy show off style with their drinks.  Every time I go in this establishment I get a consistent cup of coffee or a latte that tastes like it was made with precision. 
When I first walked in, after parting the smoky haze because it was a smoking establishment, was the thought of the old beatnik’s poet café’s where everyone was dressed in black, wore their little berets and sat talking existentially on the worth of street lights.   Now however they were dressed in Punk and Goth wears.  They got me to keep coming back by the fact that they make a mean cup of joe.  And that is saying something because I do not smoke.

It is cash only, because credit cards are evil, and has a wide selection of made drinks as well as a variety of brewed coffees on pot.  It is worth the time to go check it out and support local businesses.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Okay... I had intended to have it all done but due to the fact that there was a knitting explosion on Wednesday, I did not get it done for Friday.  But I will be finishing this one. 

So the prompt was "The wheel is going but the hamster is dead."  and what did I think of ... Zombie Hamsters.. yep.  I am knitting a zombie hamster.  It is going to be quite cute when it is done.  But this is as far as I have gotten at this point in time.  Soon though I will have rotting hamsters to show you...

It is the body and the beginning of the bottom.  I have the ears, feet and hands, tail and eyes to do yet and of course sewing it all together.  I hope you enjoy.