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Friday, September 24, 2010

Rules to live by...

A couple of friends of mine had to make the difficult decision about their cat today and it brought to my mind the Pet Ten Commandments that I saw recently.  (believe it or not I have never seen these before this month.)

So I share with you the rules all pet owned should live by.  Along with a few lovely little pictures of my precisions girls.

Pet Ten Commandments

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years.  Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. Don't be frustrated and impatient.

3. Place your trust in me.  It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment.  You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.

5. Talk to me.  Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand the tone of your voice when speaking to me.

6.. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.  Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old and weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old  You too, will grow old and need love, care, comfort and attention.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please.  Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone.  Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

modified from the original poem by Stan Rawlinson Doglistener.co.uk

Normally I would post the Rainbow Bridge poem but this felt better today and thought it would be more appreciated.  Hug your fuzzy/feathered/scaled kids because they need love too.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It has started....

Well the pattern for When Sweaters Rebel/Dr Who Goes Gryffindor scarf, has decided to be difficult.  I will have to work on it and figure out how to make it actually show the whole chart... however I will be showing you how far I am currently.

Now I have started it and I like the front.

I am just not sure if I like the back enough not o double the width and fold it over and seam it.

The thing is I know that is the way garter stitch works but I am not 100% sure I like the way it looks.  There are drawbacks to folding it.  It would add to the 'weight' of it, in other words it would be very very warm.   So I am going to go at it for a few more blocks of color, probably through the next little switching of two rows two rows two rows between red and gray.  I should be able to figure out if I like the look and weight of it then.

There we go that is how far I am on the scarf even.... Yea!  So off I go to play with string and do some cleaning.  Weeeee!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday? Accontablity

I know Monday Accountability is a little late this week.  But as I said before I was knitting up a storm and relaxing with life on Sunday so that pushed back my Pirate post and that therefore pushed back my Monday post… and here we are in Tuesday so Monday Accountability. 


*Leonard the Gargoyle.  He looks great.

*Pretty Pretty Hat

*Started Hammock for the girls’ cage

*Did a couple of sketches for the next set of mugs

I will say this I did not get the mugs ordered.  I like to do that a week in advance, because I like to pay for it. 

Now other things that happened this week:  I had a tire go flat and had to have a wrecker come out and change it for me because the bolts were so rusty.  I looked at the other tire in the front and it needed to be changed as well.  So on Saturday morning I went and got two new tires.  When all was said and done, over two hundred dollars and I still need to get an alignment done. 

So this is how far I am on the Hammock

...and this is a pretty little watercolor to add to the sketch list.

I will admit I also went to a sci-fi film festival all day Saturday and knitted a Dust Bunny Buddy Nugget and proposed a ‘homework’ assignment in the HPKCHC (Harry Potter Knitting & Crocheting House Cup) group I am in.  Good news was it got accepted.  I will be working on that too.  Now all I have to do is figure out a measuring bar in the colors I am doing.  I might temporarily use the one as it is colored now, but we will see.

So what am I planning this week:

*three more watercolor sketches for the mugs

*finish hammock (including lining and photographing)

*start my When Sweaters Rebel or Dr. Who Goes Gryffindor Scarf

*actually scan the sketches and put them up on DA

*put up the two amigurumi critters I have done up on DA

*Copy what I have done for Moosehold for writers group on Friday

A few more things than normal but I think I can accomplish them this week.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up... with a little bit of Pirate

Well I had wanted to post this on Sunday (since that was talk like a pirate day) but I did not have two of the things done that I am picturing here.  I was really close on the bunny but I was tired… so here is my pirated post…

Avast ye matties.  Let us grab a pint (yes they come in those) and drink to the good health and avoidance of Davey Jones Locker.  Arrrrr.

(yes it is talk like a pirate day)

I am on a quest to gain my beetle turned buttons back from an errant dust bunny.  So I pulled out my swords (needles) and gathered up my rope (yarn) and stared my knot works (knitting) in the rigging (on my bed).  I am bribing the little fellow with a Dust Bunny Buddy.  I hope only that the little scallywag will not bring about the Dust Bunny Apocalypse. 

Ahoy there Bunny, I have finished your friend even gave him two of the loverly beetle buttons, to appease you. Now back to my other buttons...

*stares in shock as the little cup that was holding the other beetles turned buttons is now empty and a trail of dust leads under the bed.  Titters of laughter could be heard along with tiny squeeks of ‘more friends, more.’*

Drat… Pirates!

Now back to regular speak.

The other thing I have been working on is the When Sweaters Rebel or Dr. Who turns Gryffindor Scarf.  I have officially bought all the supplies and reworked the pattern  Dr. Who Scarf Season 18 and I think the colors are great.

I picked up ‘I Love This Yarn’ because it is so soft.  I intend to make it about ten inches wide and that should defiantly be wide enough for me.  I feel so enthused about doing it.

There will defiantly be pictures and fun things of that nature.  Anyway I will have Monday Accountablity up tomorrow.  I have a few other things to do tonight.

Friday, September 17, 2010

It is Freely Friday Time:

Well now here it is Friday… I had hoped to get my first Wicked Delights Wednesday out this week but alas, real life kept me busy.  So I am now here today, finally posting something of interest. 

This is Leonard.  Fully completed and showing his strength as a guardian by protecting my coffee.  He is the first amagarumi piece I have done.  Yes he is knitted.  I don’t actually know how to crochet. 

The other piece I finished is a hat.

Yep that is me wearing it.  Fun easy piece.  Both of those were made for a Ravelry group I am in. 

Well you all know how I am a Harry Potter fan… well I joined a House Cup Challenge group and am having fun with it.  Keeps me working on different things. 

I am also working on a third project inspired by one of their classes. 

That is how far I am in two and a half days, and it will be, once it is finished, a hammock for the girls.  They so need new ones.  I am thinking also maybe knitting and felting a bed to go in there too.  I will see.

Yeah I am Weavetting it with my ‘junk’ yearn.  I am trying to decide if I am going to add a knitted edge to it or not.  I do know I am going to need to line it.  Just a little too much of a chance for little claws to get caught and snagged on the seaming, even though I am weaving the edges together as to sewing them.

I also have been doing some sketching and relaxing with that.  I have been working a touch on the designs I was thinking for mugs.

I know a photo, more because I didn’t feel like going and scanning on the other computer.  This was fast and easy.  Yes to all you Totoro fans I know what I did wrong on the color of the little guy, but in my defense I was doing this at a Laundromat and did not have a reference picture.

Anyway... off to do more playing with 'string' and working and cleaning and having fun with friends.  Enjoy the day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Accountability Time.

I did okay not great but I did have Wheatland stuff going on and well that is a whole other thing for me to talk about. 

The reality is I did not full accomplish any of my set goals.  I did accomplish parts of two of them though.

My Pretty Pretty Hat is not going quite as I want it to…

As you can see it is a little big as a beine… or rather you can really tell because I forgot to put the tape measure in there and did not feel like taking another picture.  Just trust me too big.  So I have decided to turn it into a different type of hat and add a flower.  I think it could be really cool.

On the good side of things my gargoyle is almost done, all he needs is eyes.

Isn’t he cute?  His name is Leonard because of his Spock like ears.  I thank Liz Seelye of Wonder Ink for the idea; I did not even make the connection with Spock.

Now that is really what I accomplished and not much else.  As I said I went to Wheatland Music Festival this weekend and well… that ate a lot of time.  I still have clean up to do. 

However, just because I did not get my list done last week, does not mean I won’t try again this week; I have a lot of finishing up to do and a lot of set up, so I will work on those.

*Make up the mug designs for next week
*Call and place the order for the cups I need
*Make Day of the Dead Tea invites
*Finish Leonard
*Finish Pretty Pretty Hat.
*Start Hammocks for the girls’ cage

I think it is a good run for it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A flashing...

I look at when my last post was and I cringe.  But I don't know if I will be able to get my post up this week either.  I am off to go to Wheatland, a bluegrass festival I have been going to for over ten years, this coming weekend.  I guess what I have to say is bear with me as I try and get a little bit of my artistic life in order and I will post wonderful pictures soon.