Now for my love hate relationship with the Swirl Starry Night Shawl, and trust me it is a love hate relation ship.
It started with finding this wonderful pattern of a swirly nature that I fell in love with. I knew I had to make it. It was the perfect shawl for me to make for myself. None of the lace shawls I had looked at came even close to what I wanted to do. They were too grandmaish, nothing I would want to wear. But this was perfect little swirls, with enough challenge to keep me entertained. So I got the pattern and started on my hunt for the perfect yarn to use.
I initially started with a variegated sock yarn that I spent a good hour finding in Threadbender, my local yarn shop. But I was not happy with the results. So I sadly set it aside, longing to find the perfect yarn so that I could knit this perfect shawl.
This last August became inspired by Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night and decided to make the swirly shawl in it's honor. I went to a fiber festival, on the hunt for the perfect yarn. I found it.
So I started on the first of September with grand plans to finish it really really fast. But there were a few hic-ups. Casting on took time, knitting in a round and picking up stitches.
Then started my second row and I was way into October. I need to be done with the second row and working on the third by now... but disaster struck. I found I had dropped a stitch in one of the swirls in the first row. I had to rip it out and some how save it. But I managed, getting extra needles and casting on in between two swirls. I managed to make it work.
And there I stood on the couch cushions taking a picture of my shawl and realizing I wasn't making it fit in one frame.
So I took a reference picture using my sixty inch long tape measure...
And again so that I could show how long past the end it actually was.
Then I started to knit. I had two more rows to finish before the end of the month at least. And in ten days I managed a few more swirls, even with a couple of cast on in the wrong spot issues.
That is my normal point with it but I am enjoying it more and more. I also no longer need to pay as much attention to the knitting. I have the pattern fairly memorized now.
I am also half way through the second row. I am proud of what I am accomplishing and can not wait to show it off during the holidays. The only thing is... what big project should I take on after this one?