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Friday, November 23, 2012

Threats and finds...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  
Journal Entry Fifty Seven A:

I need to find them. I need to. It is no longer a should, it is a need. I am loosing my mind over this. Completely loosing my mind.

I will find them.

Journal Entry Fifty Seven B:

Snapers is back. He has let me know where Dumbles is. Or at least as close as he can figure out. The Dark Forest. Someone, a hooded figure, has him. I will find him. I need to let the boys know.

A dirty smudged note in blocky writing:

I have your precious Dumbles. Your rock and stabilizer. Come out and find us if you can. Through darkness and justice, your strength will be tested. What is at stake is not your own life but his. So be careful and know yourself. Otherwise you will loose yourself. Start at the Dark Forest as your little sniveling black one has told you I am sure.

I will be waiting.

Journal Entry Fifty Seven C:

I can not believe this. This scum sucking dirt bag threatens to hurt Dumbles if I don't find them on my own. REALLY!!! I know I should tell Remus or Ms Nicci or even 'gail... no I can't. I can not risk it. If Dumbles was hurt because of it... I could not live with myself.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kitnapped from the sock drawer?

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  

Journal Entry Fifty Three C:

It was so fulfilling talking to them. It was like old times. But we seemed to get now where new. Ms. Nicci knew enough about dementors to know that you had to have them give their essence, that you could not take it. I fighting thought that one. That you had to be on reasonable terms with a Dementor... 

A Dee-Men-Tor. 

 How do you even get on reasonable terms with one. That is just insane. INSANE!!! Crazy talk. Of course I am feeling kinda crazy right now too.

Kel, being who she is, knew the star charts well enough to know that the actually were placed about right if we were on earth and the locations probably were wherever the person who did all of this cursing was. I just needed to figure out where they are, generally, at this point in time. And remember where the extra large glowing dots were in correlation to them. Everyone burst out laughing at that.
So finding this person another way was the only way.

Sayen asked about the necklace, of course, and I had to tell her that when Peter went back to look for it, it was gone. Whether it returned to Rei or went somewhere else or was disintegrated he was not sure.

At that point in time Kel asked what happened when Siruis basicly tackled me.

I said I did see something. A face I could not quite make out. It was contorted, in anger and rage. Screaming and, well, in pain. I was not sure if I ever wanted to meet this person, but some how knew I had to. 

She then corrected herself and restated her question. “No. That wasn't what I meant. How did it feel to have Sirius Black save you?” She was grinning the whole time and if I could have thrown a shoe at her I would have. 

 Everyone else chuckled, but it was Ms. Nicci who put it into perspective for them all. “If it had been Remus, she would have had a very different reaction.” 

 At that point in time, I decided to end our little chat. Because no more discussion of the real problem was going to happen and I was beginning to feel tired.

And I probably would be asleep right now if I had not run into Remus on the stairs.

I asked him about his and James' detention. “Clean the room. And do potions clean up for a month.”
I cringed and apologized profusely saying that I could go talk to the headmaster and tell him it was my fault. Remus put his hands on my shoulders, (oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.) and told me that he and James did the right thing and me having detention or being expelled was not going to happen. 

“Expe...” Remus put his hand over my mouth, because I about yelled that. “Shhh... it is okay 'kit.” He took his hand off of my mouth and I just kept my mouth clamped shut. (my brain just turned to jello) 

“The Headmaster thought it would be best that we were not expelled that we had learned our lesson and the punishment was fitting the mistake.” He gave a little smile at this point. (Heart melt, goo.) “And no one was hurt.” (I so owe them something.) “So I am going to bed, you should too. Otherwise Sirius might kick you there himself.” 

 He started to turn to go up but stopped and looked at me. “Sirius said you felt like you might have lost some weight. Are you feeling okay?” He had made it a query and I knew better than to get into it right then. So I told him not tonight … and I am finally getting sleeping. So much to do so little time to do it in.

Journal Entry Fifty Four A:

I can not seem to find Dumbles. That makes me really nervous. He was not in his usual spot this morning and he has not been in or around any of my classes today. I think I am going to go sit in the common room and see if he comes around.

Journal Entry Fifty Four B:

He has not shown up all day and I haven't seen Snapers either. 

No, no no no no. I will not loose them. James gave me an idea to look in the sock drawers when he saw me looking for Dumbles in the common room but he is in none of them. I think I would hear about it if he turned up in some other sock drawer right. I have looked under the beds around in hidden corners. I have looked up on book shelves and in the coal bucket. But nothing. 

(that was a fun bath day when the troupe discovered the coal bucket.  I am fortunate Rowin does not like it but Dumbles... he is a light silver gray and he loves, and I mean loves, the coal bucket.)

 I know the boys are concerned. They call Dumbles my rock. And, well, he is. He is my stabilizer. 

Nevi is concerned. So concerned he has started his own little search party, in a way. I think he might be my plant whisperer. I think he can communicate with plants. He seems to be talking to them. Telling them to look out for Snapers and Dumbles. He has not told me anything yet, but we are still looking. 

I keep looking in the sock draw just hoping I missed him. He likes socks. He drags them off and under the bed, creating a little nest for himself. It is beautiful.

Journal Entry Fifty Five:

I know it has only been two days but it feels like more. How can you put a time on missing family. They are my family.

Of all the people Siruis has been the most supportive. I know that James, Remus and Peter but it was Sirius who seemed the most concerned. He was right there and actually looked in a few sock drawers of his dorm mates. So I finally asked him about the other night. The night I fell asleep next to him. I asked him what I told him.

He sighed. “You were so depressed 'kit. I was worried you were going to do something to hurt yourself. And then you talked about how you always seem to fail and I thought about last year and everything you went through and that we did not really believe you until so late in the year. I mean if we had figured it out sooner it would not have been so bad. You would have been in a better place. Able to take on your shadow self and she would not have had the power she did.” He ran his hand through his hair at this time. “So, I knew you needed a friend. And well, no one else was there. I was not going to let you walk away. That and you crumpled to the floor. It took me five minuets to get you to the couch. And I am very lucky I am on very good terms with the kitchen elves because they got hot coco and honey toast right away. I do not ever want to see you like you were at the end of last year. You were so thin and pale and... well, weak. There was one point in the fight with your shadow self I thought she was going to drain the life out of you. You could not seem to breath.” 

 I saw for only the second time in my life concern from him. 

“That is why I told Remus about how light you were when I tackled you. He told me that you wouldn't talk about it, I did not mean to cause any problems between the two of you.  I just...” I cut him off at that point. I told him it was okay. That I had not been eating well the last couple of weeks and I showed him a plate full of snacks and he accepted that. Right before we went our separate ways he said another sweet thing. “We will find them both and everything will be fine.” I smiled and hoped for the best too.

Journal Entry Fifty Six:

Okay, Sirius has definitely moved up on the friends list. I know I know I shouldn't say things like that. But he brought me a peppermint mocha. I did not think the house elves could make those. I am wondering how he pulled it off, who he had to bribe and how in the universe he got coffee into Hogwarts. 

Mmmmm peppermint mocha. 

Now I am hyperly on caffeine and going like gangbusters. But I am still worried about my little boys. I have not found any evidence that they are anywhere in the Gryffindor Tower. No where. I even had Ms. Nicci check the Slytherine Dungeon. 


I am trying not to freak out. (the mocha is helping yes, in a way.... too much caffeine could be bad... really bad.)

Random thought... why is Sirius being so caring? I mean yes I asked him and he told me what we talked about when I had my little breakdown the other night but really... why would he help me? I am not one of his boys. I am not some pretty girl he wants to have a massive make out session with. I am just plain old me. Just me... 'kit. I do not understand him. Not at all.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A conspiracy of friends...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...      

Journal Entry Forty Nine:

The tracking potion is almost ready for the necklace. I hope Sayen is able to get it to us soon. I do not want to use it on something that might not be cursed and I definitely do not want it to go to waste. We have worked too hard on it to let it go to waste.

James stayed with me the whole time I was working on the potion. Then he literally walked me back to the stairs of the girls dorm rooms. Then when I got up Peter walked with me to the classes we were in together and Remus walked with me to the others. James and Sirius sat with me at lunch and then we all, including Lily, worked on homework together in the common room. And in study hall Ms. Nicci sat with me.

I think they are conspiring to stay with me and make sure I do not go off the deep end this year. I just wish I could tell them I wasn't going to. Because I think I about slipped again.

A neatly scripted note with a tape tear:


Here you go. It was not easy to get this. Please find out who is doing this to our friends. Rei is getting worse. Much much worse. It is starting to affect 'gail and I fell affected too. If you need anything let me know. I will be there as fast as I can apperate. Be safe.

Your girl Sayen

Journal Entry Fifty:

That is is I know the boys are conspiring to keep me okay. Sirius sat with me tonight as I worked on the potion. I am not going to add the necklace tonight that is tomorrow. But he stayed with me all night. He hates potions. He is constantly blowing up his and James' cauldron. The poor professors do not know what to do with him. But he stayed with me and talked about everything he could think of. Including a few of the girls he liked. I don't know if he will ever settle down but I suppose that is okay.

He also seem to be looking at me really intently, like he expected me to fall apart at any moment. I guess I would be a little jumpy too with all that I put him through the other night.
I might have to sit all of them down and have a talk about alone time for me.

I think I need some troupe cuddle times. Yeah I think that is what I need to do this week.

Journal Entry Fifty One A:

We are adding the necklace tonight. It will be me, Remus and James. Sirius and Peter will be playing look out hopefully it will go well and we will be able to get a read on who is doing this to us.

On the couch with Mr. Black...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...       
Journal Entry Forty Seven A:

Classes are getting harder and I am trying to get my OWL done. I am stressed out of my mind. I do not know if I can keep doing this. If I am even capable.

I think I am loosing it again.

I need cookies and chocolate and coffee and cuddles by the fireplace. 

NO! TOAST WITH BUTTER AND COCO!!! That is what I want, toast with butter and hot coco.

But I will never get it never... never never never.....


Journal Entry Forty Seven B:

Okay, who took over Sirius' body because the boy I just sat and cried over a cup of hot coco with could not have been the same boy who would throw exploding snaps at my feet in Transfiguration. No, it could not be the same boy who would laugh at me when my mail exploded in my hands because he slipped in a firecracker. It is impossible that he was the same boy who traded my shampoo so my hair was blue for a whole month in my third year. No could not be him. Had to be a doppelganger.

I completely lost it. I headed out to find some hot chocolate and a couple of pieces of toast, because toast with honey is just divine when you are blue. And ran into Sirius who was heading back to his bed with a few snacks of his own. He started to make a flippant comment, I don't even remember how it was suppose to go because I was so upset about things, but he stopped mid-sentence as he saw my face. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I crumpled. The physical weight of how I was feeling just landed on me and I crumpled to the floor.

I don't know how he managed it but he got me to the couch and got coco and toast with honey. He just sat with me there and let me cry. I don't know if I actually told him what was going on and right now I am not sure if I care. But he just held me and I fell asleep. Out cold on the couch with Sirius Black. Yeah I know, not front page news but for me it was a big deal. When I woke up he was still there. He had not left to go to bed, he was sleeping next to me just holding me. Not my first choice but I probably would have remembered what I said to Remus I probably would have babbled about things that would have been really embarrassing if it had been Remus and James would have gone and gotten Lily or Ms. Nicci. (Though how a Gryffindor would have gotten into the Slytherin common room in the middle of the night is beyond me.)

It was still dark out not dawn but not midnight time frame. I got him to go up to bed and I did too. Morning classes are going to come way to early. I should try and sleep now. It might be a good idea.

Journal Entry Forty Eight:

Classes are going to be hard this time around. I do not know if I can complete anything. I am feeling so at the end of my rope.

I just do not know what to do. Life should not be this hard. I want to complete all things. GAH!!!!
Okay, I need to get a grip and focus. Take things one step at a time that is all I can do.

James and I are working on the potion tonight because Remus, well, it is a full moon. So that means Sirius and Peter will be with him.

I told James that he didn't have to come and sit with me. He just shrugged and said that it wasn't a problem and that with a spell like this there should be two people there at all times.

I think maybe I talked a little bit more than I thought I did to Sirius but right now I am not complaining.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pickpockets and tracking..

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...     

Journal Entry Forty Five:

Mwahahahahahaha! I love wand study. Have I mentioned that? I love it and I love looking at what things are inside. So I did a little more wand study in Herbology again. The cores of wand are unique and the properties of combining cores with wand wood are an amazing thing as well. I know my core will work well with my wand wood. I do actually have a phoenix feather as a core. I know it is actually very rare in the United States to get a true phoenix feather but I did get one in mine and with sequoia wood it makes for a very strong willed and loyal wand. My wand has not failed me and I doubt it every will.

Just like my core of crafting. I hope to come up with really good combinations when I work with wands. Of course I don't really know if that is what I am going to end up going into but I really do enjoy it.

Sometimes however, you have to hide. That is why I like making the Gray Wrapped Wings... it allows me to hide. I love the fact that we covered disillusionment charms in, well, Charms. I have been able to hide multiple things now because of it. 

Actually I have become very proficient with the charm itself.

Even, as necessary, the troupe. I hope I will never totally have to hide them. I don't think they would stay with in the confines of the charm.  Actually they don't.  It is always interesting to try and control the whereabouts of a ferret.  Then multiply that by eight.  Wrangling kittens has nothing on keeping ferrets in check.

A neatly scripted note:


Talk to Lily,

I am sure she has some ideas of how to make yourself more or less noticed. And I am sure things are looking up. I will try and get the necklace from Rei. I am clever that way and she trust me enough to at least let me hold it. I also am a very efficient pickpocket as you well know. I will try and get it to you with in the next week, because I know you need it for the tracking spell.

Be careful. This is a dangerous thing you are doing. And you or Remus could get very very hurt. 

Miss you already.


Journal Entry Forty Six:

I do miss Sayen already too and she just left yesterday. 

And she will always be a little pickpocket in my mind.

I recall how I met her. My family and I were traveling through the west. And we ran into another wizarding family. They had a daughter my age and we just clicked. Until I noticed my bracelet was missing. It was my favorite bracelet, a charm bracelet that had a little bead for different events in my life hanging from it. They were beads that I had made myself and so the bracelet was very very very important to me. I had even put a tracking spell on it so it would eventually return to me or I would find it. 

Well, I did find it, hanging off of Sayen's wrist. 
We had a rather loud argument over it. And it took my mother and her father three hours to disentangle us from the yarn explosion we caused. It was the first sign that we had the 'witch' abilities. We both were ecstatic about it. And basicly became fast friends, once she gave me back my bracelet.
I just hope that Rei does not have that on her necklace I am afraid it might interfere with our tracking spell. I will have to ask Remus about if another tracking spell would or would not interfere with our tracking spell.

Tears in my Butterbeer...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...    

Journal Entry Forty Three A:

Remus and I started working on the spell last night. It was a perfect night to start it. You don't have to have all the tracking items to start the spell, but we will need them in about a week. I am exhausted from the preparations and set up we did last night. I actually believe that Remus let me sleep for a few minuets. Because I found his school robes lain over me when I opened my eyes again. If my life was different and his life too. He keeps himself so distant because of his condition. But he is my friend and that is the way it is going to have to stay, I suppose. I am not one of those girls who does love spells. Too many consequences. I do not need to end up with puppy love (oh that could be a really bad pun... and Sirius would have loved it too and would have said it was about him.)
I feel like such a girl right now. Yes, I am a girl, I will always be a girl, but when I say I feel like a girl it is a whole other complication. It is a sense of I am fretting over a boy, or wanting to wear pink, or picking at a salad because of my weight, instead of living my life to be me.
It is a little disturbing.

Journal Entry Forty Three B:

Sayen contacted me. She will be in Hogsmead tomorrow. YEA!!!! I am so happy. It will be good to see her. I miss my friends from home. I am really happy that she was able to go on this trip with her family. Her father is a research wizard who has been studying the migration patterns of fairies. He is a very interesting man. Maybe I will even get an opportunity to talk to him this summer.

Journal Entry Forty Four:

I got to see and spend the whole day with Sayen. It was great. I told her everything that was going on. I mean she knew all of what had happened last year but now she knows what is going on this year. And she knows how much doubt I have too. I have a lot of doubt again. Doubt about what I am doing whether or not I should continue study at Hogwarts, if I should go and be with my friends at WinterWare. Sayen was wonderful through it all. I completely lost it over a pint of butterbeer. 

(Side note: I love butterbeer. I would drink it all day long if I could. It makes me feel so happy. It is almost as good as coffee. And that is saying something.)

But no really I lost it over a pint of butterbeer. I just seem to crumple. I cried and shook and raged about everything. About how I seem to be failing at school, which she said I was not that I was doing great and achieving a lot of things. How I seem to be failing my friends and bringing darkness into their lives. She said I was not doing that either. That I was bring hope by fighting my own darkness and noticing when others were getting to that same spot I was. Then she went on to say if I brought up my body image again she was going to stick me in a leather bustier, skinny jeans and silver stiletto heels and apparate me into Hogwarts main hall and see what the boys did then. At the sheer terror look that must have been across my face at that time she burst out laughing. 

“You need to figure out you 'kit.” She told me. “What you want... not what other people want. Not what I want from you. Not what your parents want from you. Not what your trouble maker boys want from you. Not what the professors at Hogwarts want from you. Not what Rei and Abigail want from you. Not even what your troupe of ferrets want from you.” At this point in time she took my hand. “No you need to figure out what you want, figure out what makes you happy and go with it. Make it happen and make the life you want.” She smiled at me. “Until then you will be unhappy and unable to move forward with life.” I know she is right. But that does not make it any easier to accomplish.

I will say we did wander around Hogsmead and I picked up some wonderful candies at the sweet shop and a couple of books at the book store too.

Journal Entry Forty Five:

The troupe glitterfid the dorm room. Dumbles told me it was because they felt it had been too long and we needed some inspiration again. So now I am sparklie. I hate being sparklie. I like sparklies but I hate being sparklie.

Friday, November 16, 2012

friends and defenses...

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...    

A letter in nice neat script on crisp parchment paper...
'Allo kit.

I know I have not written you all year but I have been really really really busy. My family and I have been traveling around the world. And encountering many many different types of witches and wizards. I have so much to tell you. There is this wonderful witch in Italy who does coffee and tea magic. I think you would like her store. It is amazing. There are amazing wizarding towns all over the world. I really liked the one in Italy and the one we went to in India. Austraila was interesting, I don't know if I like the town there, but there were a couple of interesting aborigines that were friendly.
I have a few items for you, Abigail and Rei. My parents and I will be in England next week and maybe we can meet up. I know you get the chance to go into Hogsmead on the weekends, so maybe we can meet up there. I understand there is a really good pub that serves wonderful Butterbeer.

My mom is so out of her element sometimes. She still has very muggle moments. But she is better than some. Of course my brother is driving me nuts as always and so is my sister. Both seem to be getting into their magical roots. Taking after dad. Quid seems to think he should be able to fly all the time. He is loving Quidditch. Personally I think he fell in love with it because it is similar to his name. Quidel is very similar to Quidditch. He thinks that the United States team should be a bit more aggressive in getting over to the European circuit but as I said he is a little obsessed.

Anyway, I will contact you through the floo network to let you know the time we will be in Hogsmead.

My parents are looking at sending Quid to Hogwarts if they would accept him. If they send a letter. We are hoping they do. I enjoyed my time at my school but I think he would be happier going to Hogwarts. Alyen we don't know yet. She has had a couple of odd things happening but she is who she is and she loves home. If she could have dad teach her she probably would.

Okay, got to dash and get this off to you. Talk soon.


Journal Thirty Nine A:

With everything going on I have missed Quidditch. I swear according to Sirius it was the end of the world. I think it is life running away with me and more important things happening.

I am trying to get classes done so that Remus and I can start working on the tracking spell.

Journal Entry Thirty Nine B:

I spoke with 'gail. Or rather I got yelled at by her. It is not fun getting yelled at by a friend. First she sends me a note through the floo network and demands that I talk to her. Then she yells at me. I understand that what I was speaking about with Rei was upsetting but it needed to be said. I tried to convince 'gail to get her necklace if she could and send it to me. She did not seem to want to do that. She seem to think that I am obsessed and that I was projecting my own problems on to Rei, who is very sensitive and influenced by what I say and do.

I need to try and get some sleep. Things are getting crazy. Once I get the necklace I can go after who is cursing us.

Journal Entry Forty:

Classes are definitely keeping me on my toes. And I made cooties... well sort of. They are not really cooties but a friend told a story about how someone viewed ladybugs as cooties.  I can understand that as they 'attacked' in a small space.  I decided to run with it.  I think they turned out incredibly well.

I like them... I might have to make a larger army of 'cooties'. Mwahahahahhahaha!!!

Journal Entry Forty One:

I hate being wet. Really hate it. I like how the spell turned out but I hate being wet. And it hurt my hands. Grrrr.

Now all I have to do is figure out how I am going to utilize it.

Journal Entry Forty Two:

Remus and I have found a spot to make up the potion and work the spell, now all we need is the necklace. Maybe Sayen can help convince Rei to give me the necklace.  
'gail has stopped talking to me I think and that is upsetting to me.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Huge Implications....

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...   

Journal Entry Thirty Seven:

I do not know how to respond to 'gail. Things are complicated. The boys and I have figured out a possibility for a tracking spell. One that will determine who is at least cursing Rei. But not necessarily who cursed me. I, however, have to find the item that Rei has that is cursed.

Remus also believes that what happened with Lulu is also a part of what happened last year. I think I have become a bad influence on him, because now he seems to be seeing bad everywhere. Just like me.

Journal Entry Thirty Eight A:

I managed to finish the pendulum.

It will be a key ingredient in the tracking spell. It can determine good intent and ill and is focused enough to send me in the right direction. I am finally getting closer. Now all I have to do is figure out what Rei has that is cursed. I am going to be talking to her tonight. I know I can figure it out. Then it would be just being able to track it and who cursed it.

Journal Entry Thirty Eight B:

I spoke with Rei. I did a scrying communication, by passing the floo network all together. Also in do that I was able to see what was cursed. Somehow it highlighted it. It is her necklace. Something she has had for years.

The implications of this are huge. I do not even know how to proceed now. With the cursed item being her necklace. That means it has to be someone close to her. And if it is the same person who cursed me, then it has to be someone close to both of us. There are only a few people close to both of us. All of those options would be painful to be true. Why would any of them want to hurt Rei or me? Why? What did we do to make it so someone, possibly a friend, what to curse us? Cause us to doubt ourselves?

I need to think on this. I... I need to figure this out. For both our sakes.

Journal Entry Thirty Eight C:

I can only come up with three names. Three people who we both know that would be able to do what is being done.

I need to talk to the boys.

A hastily scribbled note with singed edges.

I have managed to calm Rei down. What did you say to her? She was near hysterical when she came back to the dorm. We need to talk. Tomorrow night. Midnight, and we are using the floo network.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I think I might be obsessed...

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  

Journal Entry Thirty Four b:

I wasn't able to contact 'gail directly. I am composing a letter now. I can only hope what we learn from this book will help. 

Journal Entry Thirty Five:

I am managing to get some stuff done... but I am not sure how fast it really is going. I am knitting, but I feel like I am not accomplishing anything.

You know I am actually starting to look for another cursed object. I feel like I might be again but then I think about being obsessive and that curses are on my brain and then I think I could not be curse again. I am just imagining things. I think that I am over identifying with Rei. She is having trouble so I must be having trouble again.
Remus thinks I need to let it go. That we are doing all we can right now. That it will come when it comes. I have to let go of what I can not change.

Journal Entry Thirty Six:

I am considering taking next year off. Not doing the extended study, but taking some time to do some soul searching. I don't know who I am any more.

A letter smudged in dirt and stained with water...


She is getting worse. I was thinking she was just being accident prone but I really think you were right that she is cursed. I can not find what is cursed around her. She has nothing new on her. It is all things she has always had. I don't know what else to look for. We need you here. You know her almost better than me. Please come home.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fears continue...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...   

Journal Entry Thirty One:

Well, I decided to approach James and Peter myself. They were sitting in a spare class room doing some studding and spell work when I came in and sat down next to them. I non-chalantly told them I had already looked in that section of the library and that they should try over to the left of that bookshelf because I was working the right.

Peter's face was priceless, (apparently he had not seen me) but James was non-plus. He just nodded and told me that he would make sure that they did that and that he would get Remus' recommendation on what to look for next time too. I simply nodded at that then queried about Sirius. At that James snorted. “He is my best friend but I don't think he understands the gravity of the situation you are in.”
I gave him a heavy and sad smile. “I don't think I understand it James.” And I then got up and left them to their work.
The thing is I do not know what I am getting into or what I am have gotten into or what I might have to get myself out of or what I did get out of. I am worried all the time about the people around me and I don't think I can protect them. My friends my family my ferrets, everyone is at risk around me.

And I am worn out. Lulu is doing better but I am still worn out. She wants to play but very definitely gets tired fast. Dumbles and Snapers are sitting with her the most and that is good. Maybe I will see about taking them for a walk around the castle tomorrow. I am sure they will like that.

A letter in between...

Hey Sis,

I know I am actually writing you. But it is important. As an older brother I need to say these things.
It is my understanding that you are hanging out with these trouble maker boys now. Don't deny it. They are trouble makers and you know it. I just want to make sure they know you have an older brother and that he will kick their tails from her until eternity if any of them hurt you.
I might just be a muggle but I know people and we are from Michigan, bodies have been lost in Michigan, so who knows what I would do to someone if you were hurt in anyway.

They are to treat you with respect. They need to understand that.

Well, I will see you when you get back.

Your bro.

Journal Entry Thirty Two a:

I love my brother. I know the boys would turn him into a weasel or a toad or something but I love the fact that he would defend my honor. We are blood and that is what is important. Because if they turn him into anything, I would have to retaliate and no one wants that. A troupe of eight ferrets heading for pant legs.... that is an image I love. You know they would probably turn my bro into a fish.

Journal Entry Thirty Two b:

I have never actually seen Sirius laugh so hard in his life. Not at my brother but at Peter.
I read the four of them my brother's letter. And I thought Peter was going to pass out at the statement about Michigan and bodies being lost there. 
“Really?” He said in terror. “You could loose a body in the woods there?”
“Or the lakes.” I stated back. 
“LAKES?” His eyes got the size of saucers at this point in time. “THE BIG ONES?” His voice probably could have nearly broken glass and Sirius could not hold it in any more. He just started to laugh. It took him a good five minuets to catch his breath.

Journal Entry Thirty Three:
Lulu loved the walk. Well, the carry. I did not quite trust her walking around in the cold right now. Her lungs are sounding good and she has gained some of her weight back.

James, Peter and Sirius are helping me look in the library again tonight. We think we found a book that might have a spell to track down this particular curse or something similar. Remus said he would help translate it because it is in an older form of Slavic. I know enough about spell words to know that it is a dementor trackers spell. Whether or not we can use it to track this particular curse and who cast it I am not totally sure.

A note attached to the page written in a scrawling penmanship...


Directly under the note~  

Journal Entry Thirty Four a:

I need to contact 'gail. We are going tonight to the library but I am worried, especially with this note that was just delivered to me. The poor owl looked like he had been through a tornado to get to me with it. After the library I will see about contacting 'gail.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Oh noes....

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...    
Journal Entry Twenty Eight a:

I am panicking. Lulu is sick. Really sick. She is not eating. She is ignoring her ferrietone. I can not loose her. I can not loose any one of my little ones. They are my everything. They keep me sane. Absolutely sane.

Journal Entry Twenty Eight b:

I took her to her doctor. He gave her some medicine. Or rather gave it to me to give to her. She gets it twice a day for two weeks. I know I should not worry but I am. I know I should be focusing on classes but I don't know how I am going to do that caring for her. Classes can wait. Lulu can not.

Journal Entry Twenty Nine a:

'gail contacted me through the floo network. She let me know that Rei does seem to have a shadow about her, but doesn't know if there is something that is being carried around at all times. This is frustrating. I am almost ready to go back home. This is getting harder and harder to follow through here. How am I suppose to help my friends here and help Rei, who is all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. I mean it is an ocean for crimanies sake.

I am starting to send her information that I am finding in the books that I am reading at night in the restricted section of the library. I don't know what else to do. I can't leave school, even though that is what 'gail wants me to do. Rei... I don't know what Rei wants. I know that she is scared and in some pain.

It was painful, everyday aching. How is she going to get beyond that if I can not find out who came after us? I am not sure I have gotten past it.

I need to go back to the library tonight. Maybe I can get Sirius or Peter to come with me. Peter would be better focused once there but getting him there. Sirius getting him there would be easy, keeping him focused... well, that is always a bit more difficult.

I just don't know anymore what to do. I am so frustrated.

Journal Entry Twenty Nine b:

Well, apparently James can get in without anyone seeing him. That is a touch disturbing to me. He had Peter help him because I saw Peter, well as a rat, go through the bars then change back and open the door from the inside lock. I hid away and when I looked again there was James and Peter looking at book spines. I knew that if I approached them Peter would scream and it would all be over.

Fortunately or unfortunately, someone came in the library at that time and we all scattered. I shifted to my ferret form and scampered on out of there. I think Peter saw me but I am not sure. I suppose I will find out when Remus comes to talk to me next.

I should tell them I already looked through the books in that part of the restricted section.

Journal Entry Thirty:

Lulu is doing a lot better. She is dancing around the tower like she was the queen of the world. I love it when my babies are well. I do not know what I would do if I lost one.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Classes and more cookies...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...    
Journal Entry Twenty Four:
Classes look great. I know I can make some of these work.

I can not believe how much I am liking History of Magic. There is so much you can do with what they are offering. And I love stories about Fae and have a fair knowledge about Seelie and UnSeelie Fae too. There might be away I can detect people who mean harm and could work that for the Fae too. Everything else I am not sure but I know I can handle what they throw at me.

This is going to be awesome. Just awesome.

Journal Entry Twenty Five:

I know I need to be more focused on Remus right now but I am still very concerned about who cursed me. I feel edgy like something is just sitting on the back of my neck and telling me that something is coming that will trip me up. That everything I care about is in danger. It is not fair. I swear life just keeps throwing things at me.

I will not fail this time. I will complete what I start out with. I will. I will. I WILL!!!

Journal Entry Twenty Six:

I managed to sneak into the restricted section last night. With the boys out for the night, this was the perfect time for me to do some personal research. I found the spell that can bond the essence of dementor to an object. It takes a fair amount of time to do, two months. And it has a shelf life. If it is not given to someone with in a week of the bonding the item loose the essence and it does not attach itself to a person. Once, however, the laced item is given to someone and attaches itself to them, it feeds off of their self doubt and insecurities. It draws out of them what a dementor actually would. However, it is easily gotten rid of, unless a permanency bonding to the intended target is add. There was a reference to another spell and spell book by the same author but I did not have time to search for it. I will have to do that in the next few nights. I am going to find out who did this and from everything I am finding, someone had to have planed this for sometime to make it work.

Letters stuffed in between pages...

Dear Abigail,

I am worried about Rei. I talked to her not too long ago again. I did not tell you about the first time because I did not want to worry you. But I think it is getting worse for her. She is talking about shadows and being followed.

I need to ask you to look for something she always seems to have with her, even if she does not want it with her. Does there seem to be a darkness clinging to her? I am afraid she has been cursed like I had been cursed. I know you have your doubts about that. But I really need you to keep an eye on Rei. She might start to lash out at people or worse, lash out at herself. I still bear some of the scars of those days.

Please 'gail. It is important. Let me know. Any way you can. And be careful. If it is a cursed item, they get nasty when you try and get rid of them.

Stay safe.


Dear 'kit,

Oh my lovely daughter. I thought I would send another package. I know you have a lot of homework you are working through but the Evans' seem to convey that you did not get very many of your own cookies. So I am sending you your own personal box of them. The secondary box is for your boys and yes I know they are your boys. That whole way you talk about them. They seem to want to protect you too from what Lily's mom has said. Just noticing. Maybe you could give the second box directly to Remus and let him share it if he wants to. I am just making a suggestion.

Well, I love you and be safe.


Journal Entry Twenty Seven:

I hid my tin of cookies and passed the other along to Lily and her dorm mates. I know it might be mean but I swear Sirius is a bottomless pit or he has a hollow leg. He just about vacuumed up the last batch mom sent me. Of course I had to explain a vacuum to the boys then. That was interesting. Being a muggle born in a wizarding world is sometimes really really difficult. I am so glad Lily is around otherwise I might go really insane.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I am a fuzzy slinkie...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...   

Journal Entry Twenty Two:

I did it and I changed back no added fur or ears or tail!!!! YES!!!!

Journal Entry Twenty Three:

I finished my Gray Wrapped Wings and I am exhausted.

I turned it in and I added a little surprise.

I know I will eventually have to register but that is only when they realize I turned myself into a ferret. I have eight ferrets running around me at any given point in time. The fact that they might notice an extra one in the mix will be slim. But I will because it is the right thing to do. But I will say it was great pulling it off. James and I finally got it down last night. I was able to change from a human to a ferret and back again with no problems. So, I used the fact that I had integrated Diricawl feathers into the sweater as a precursor to changing into a ferret. To make it look like I disappeared. I am so excited. There is probably a lot of trouble that I can get into as a ferret but right now I do not care.

Remus, I am sure, will lecture me about registering once I am back home and I will agree with him. Once I am back home. For right now, this form will lend a great advantage into finding out who cursed me and threatened my friends.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A little bit more...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  

Journal Entry Twenty:

I am worried about Rei. I don't know what to do. She is scared and for the first time in a long time I am scared for her. I used the floo network to talk to her. Connecting the fireplaces between Hogwarts and WinterWare. I wonder if I should not have come to Hogwarts this year. If I should have gone to WinterWare with Rei and Abigail. I had something to prove by coming here. I had to figure out who had me cursed last year and I know it is connected to here, to Hogwarts. But I am very very concerned. I think I am going to write 'gail. I want to know what she thinks about Rei.

Journal Entry Twenty One:

Well, I seem to be waiting 'till the last moment to turn in classes again. But I managed two more...
The wonderful little shawlette that I cal Energized! (because it reminds me of energy) and would help find someone in a crowd... very strong vibes coming off of it, for Defense Against Dark Arts.

And then for History of Magic and the production of one of the Tales of Beetle the Bard. I made a stream.

I did a fair amount for classes... now to finish my detention.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Storms, trees and cookies...

 This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can... 

Journal Entry Eighteen:

Well two more classes down. The troupe as been overly helpful with classes this year. I am not sure why.

Actually I am. But today is a good day and I am focusing on good things right now.

I am hyper excited about Herbology because we are studyng wand lore and the fact that my wand is a rare wood in Britain makes for this to be a fun time for me. I have a sequoia wand. Very American based. It was amazing when I got it. It literally sung in my hands. No it really did, the whole room was filled with music and it seemed to surprise the wand maker as well. And it works great for me... most of the time. Occasionally it is a little finicky and very strong willed but so am I and that allows me to have it do what needs to be done. It very definitely works better in a more natural environment. And even though I am a city-girl this wand works wonders for me.

I actually let the wand sing the spell itself, I like how things turned out.

Charms, however, was a great class. And I was able to come up with a spell to capture the storm that the Professors let loose in the class room utilizing twisters and cyclones.

I did kind of, almost, a little bit, destroy the class room itself. But it is very hard to control a twister, it has a mind of it's own and well, weather magic is very very very hard. At least I kept it contained to the class room.

Packages interlude: 

Package from Mom with letter..

Well 'kit, here is your package. I hope it finds you well and I hope you don't mind I also slipped in some special items I know you like. Socks, a scarf (yes I know you have your Dr. Gryffindor but I don't care I am your mom and I am allowed.) But anyway, I made several batches off cookies so hopefully there is enough for those who want them. Oh I also slipped in your slippers because you forget them at home this year. I know they are your favorite and take you to your own OZ. Just remember you can always click your heels and remember that there is 'no place like home.' Your father slipped in a book that he thought you would like. Hopefully you will have some time to read it. We love you and see you when school is out.
Mom and Dad.
P.S. I know you are thinking about doing some continued education with Hogwarts but maybe you should take a year off get your footing back home. Just a thought, I am sorry I am babbling and miss you. I love you darling.

Journal Entry Nineteen:

You would think the boys would have allowed me more than one cookie. Next time hide the rest of the box before sharing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Troupe and friends...

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  
Journal Entry Fifteen B:

Okay maybe I do want Sirius to teach me. I am so sore and I have fur in my ears that I now have to shave out. That is so wrong.

And I am still gliterfied.. *Groan*

Journal Entry Sixteen:

Remus finally asked me about the troupe. I had to laugh. It was so funny how he did it. He does not like making too many waves around me at least but he wanted to know. I know I have told other people before but the boys had never really asked. They had just accepted I had ferrets. They never really counted so when we actually sat down to talk about it I had to tell them.

Each troupe member has a job to help me. I am not totally sure when they showed up. I think, Dumbles and Snapers have been around the whole time supporting me but I can not be really sure. I do know that they really started to come in full force about two years ago. My fifth year.
The Troupe is a band of eight ferrets. Four ferrets representing the Houses, one representing Quidditch and three that represent parts of myself.

First is Sherman. He is a larger ferret, burly, with a redish fox like tint to his fur. He is the Gryffindor ferret. Brave and noble. And a bit reckless. He gets himself into more trouble that I can even say. But I love him. His favorite classes tend to be Tranfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures (though I think he also like DADA but that is just a personal thought.)

Next is Sally. She is a dark brown ferret with a very distinguishing mask, who is the Slytherin ferret. She is also Sherman's best friend. I kid you not they are almost inseparable. She is cunning and crafty and will defend her troupe by what ever means are necessary. She tends to like Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is probably one of the reason why Sherman like DADA.

Rowin is my little black eyed white ferret scholar and my Ravenclaw ferret. She is intelligent and clever. She tends to be more cautious than the rest of the troupe. She keeps them, mostly out of trouble until they get her into it. She is very curious, more so than the rest of the troupe, and that is what will get her into more trouble than the others.

Lulu is a light brown badger marked ferret who is the accepting Hufflepuff ferret. Her favorite thing to wear is a pink tutu. I do not know why and I have long since stopped trying to figure it out. I think she would do back flips for a sparkly one. She small but sturdy and loyal. She is also persistent, which can also be interpreted as stubborn. She loves Divination and Charms. Though does have a fascination with Herbology.

Snitchet my tiny (smallest of the troupe) honey golden Quidditch ferret. I still want to know where she got the wings and how she keeps managing to get flying potions or charms or spells of some sort. She is amazingly crafty and energetic. She is my ADOS ferret, Attention Deficient Ooo Shiny. If it is gold and shinny she loves it. I kid you not. Insane about Quidditch and wants to learn how to fly a broom. A ferret on a broom would be something to behold. And I bet she could eventually figure it out. Wrangling her is a full time job in and of itself, but she also minds herself around Dumbles. Dislikes Snapers but will mind him if I tell her to, which is every day otherwise she won't.

Nevi is my chubby dark sable ferret. He has the heart of a lion, though he does not always know it. He stumbled through the first bit but seems to have found his footing. He will defend the troupe with his life and has a strong hate, and it is hate, for snakes. I have found a few carcases around his sleeping area under the bed. He loves Herbology and is amazingly very good at Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Now Snapers is an interesting black ferret who always looks like he is either going to fall asleep on you or just disinterested in everything. This is an incredibly rare trait in ferrets. He, when he does speak...

Oh yeah they do talk. I have a couple of charms set up around the dorm and common room so that people can understand then. Elsewhere in the castle not so much. I try not to disturb the workings of Hogwarts too much and just keeping the charms contained to Gryffindor seemed to be the way to go.

Yes, when he does speak, it is with a very dry sarcastic undertone. And he would never admit this but he loves cuddles by the fire and cups of tea. He is a lover of tea.

Dumbles is my elder silver gray ferret, who somehow manages to wear golden rimed half moon glasses. He is clever and optimistic about live the universe and everything. No he is. He is wise, very wise in my opinion and gets into more trouble than Snitchet when he is determined. He and Snapers are the ferrets who encourage me with my OWLs. Oh and he likes to sleep inside socks, particularly blue ones. He says they are bigger on the inside.

You might ask why I have eight ferret companions instead of one cat, owl or toad, well I am not sure actually but they let me keep all of them. Probably because they would find a way back into the castle even if they were thrown out, sent home or cursed away. They are resourceful and somehow stuck with me at Hogwarts. Each ferret has their thing they do for me. Each baby is special. Only Dumbles and Snapers are allowed to help me with my search for who cursed me, all of the others would spill their furry little bellies for a teaspoon of FerriTone, aka Ferret Crack. *shakes head*

Journal Entry Seventeen:

I feel great about this term. Absolutely great. I am even getting letters from family and friends. And I am progressing in my classes. I am so excited about this year.

Letter Interlude:


Oh how I miss you too. I am constantly wondering about you and what you are up to. You are going to have to give me some details on what classes are like there. Here it is a lot of fundamentals. We have our core classes that we have to take. Potions, Transfiguration, Charms and Herbology. Magical Self Defense is an elective but highly recommended. Flying, Astronomy and Divination are other electives that are offered. Magical Creatures (not Care of) it is a mix of identifying, hunting and caring for them, I am taking that one. It is a lot of fun. I love creatures.

Anyway, Rei misses you lots, she talks about you constantly and is wondering when you will be coming back and if you will be coming to our school next year. I don't think she understands that seven years is generally the top on this level of wizarding.

Oh yeah, I met someone. He is perfect. He sends me flowers and fairies all the time. The house elves are getting sick of cleaning up after him, since he likes to have rose petals drop from the ceiling when ever I enter my dorm.

I don't know if I ever told you about the dorms here. They are lovely. I mean it is always cold, you Michiganders just seem to handle it better than I do. But the view is great. My dorm is in the north wing. I am on the third floor (I think) and we are over looking Lake Superior. The waters always seem to be so clear. I get to watch when storms roll in over the water. Coming from Arizona this is an amazing thing. You really should come and visit here and enjoy what they have to offer.

Maybe you could do a study here and still take some credits over there. (crosses fingers and hopes)
Anyway, I should get back to my homework. Be safe as always.


On a crumpled piece of paper stuck next to the other a very shaky script reads...

'kit, I am scared. Something is following. Shadows are everywhere. They are grabbing at me. I don't want to tell anyone what is going on, but I think someone is after me. I am having bad dreams... it has been a long time since I have had dreams like these. Please... what should I do? I know you are very good at figuring out dreams. Midnight, on Saturday. I will be waiting in our common room. I know you know ways of talking face to face. Please... I will be waiting. ~ Rei.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Marauders and friends...

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...  

Journal Entry Thirteen B:

I was sitting in the common room when the boys walked up. It was late at I was working on finishing another class. Remus did something he never does, he took my work from me and set it aside. He also took my hands in his. (Now I know I turned seven shades of pink at this moment but I did not care or notice, at the time, that Sirius was being serious.)

Remus then asked me if I truly wanted to find the person who had cursed me and if I truly believed someone did curse me and that it wasn't some random event. That I was the intended target.
(After getting my senses back I realized he was being serious and so were the other boys. Peter looked absolutely terrified and James had his game face on.)

I think I managed a nod.

He nodded at that. “Do you solemnly swear you are up to no good?”

When he said that, I blinked and had no clue what he meant. “Do you solemnly swear you are up to no good!” The second time he made it a statement and I understood. He was swearing me into their little secret club.

I mean everyone knew they had a little boys club they hung out in but no one else had ever joined. Now here I was sitting in the Gryffindor common room being asked, in a way to join their 'boys' club. If I hadn't been sitting down I would have fallen over.

I managed to swallow and moisten up my very dry throat and nod.

I was then told by a very exasperated Sirius that I had to say it. (Hey I am a girl what did they expect... me not to go totally ashen and act like this is really cool and I know what I am doing... no I don't know what I am doing I am always running around like frickin' chicken with it's head cut off racing to get things done before the world ends... GEEZ!)

So I said it. “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”

They nodded and looked at each other and then Remus told me that they couldn't tell me everything right then but they would help me find out who cursed me. And that James would help me with the other thing I was trying to do. And then he winked. Remus never winks, why the hell did he wink? And what other thing... I have eighty bazillion other things.

Journal Entry Fourteen:

So I turned in another class, this one I worked very well. A Cowl for All Season, for Flying. I love flying and flying though hoops is a jaunting way to go. Sirius said I should have made a mobius but I have never made one of those before I was a little intimidated by it so... I simply took on something I thought I could manage. It was a fun little thing to do.

Journal Entry Fifteen A:

Oh that other thing!

The boys took me to a deserted classroom last night. They new better than to try and come up and get me on their own, they sent Lily. Though, it was funny to watch Sirius the first time he tried to sneak into a girls dorm room. The stairs the slide, the second time was funnier with the catapult. (I so loved to hear that scream. He compared it to being launched off a broom by a bludger.) But I digress.

Remus met me at the bottom of the stairs and trust me if I was awake enough I would have actually seen this coming but it had been a long day of classes and I had gone to bed early. They bamphed me with some spell. The next thing I knew I was sitting on a couch in a dimly lit classroom and Lily was chewing out Sirius and James on the other side. “I don't care if you are initiating her. You do not do that to a girl, ever.” I watched as she turned and walked over to Remus. “Just let me know when you are done and I will come and get all of you safely back into the Gryffindor common room. And...” She turned to me at this time. “... let me know if they do anything inappropriate, again.” She then left the room. I blinked. She probably was not the best choice to help get me where ever I was now but she probably was the only one I would have gotten up for. I sighed and looked at Remus.

It was then that they started to tell me about their little group of Marauders, or at least that was what they called themselves. They told me about Remus' condition, and how each of them helped. That all these thing were put in place and they worked together to keep Hogwarts and those in Gryffindor tower safe. “In fact we work hard to keep all of the students safe.” James had spoken up. “Even Slytherin.” I could almost hear Sirius' distaste for that house but he still said it, which was something. Peter was the least talkative among them but I had always come to expect that from him. He had always been the more shy of the set. He had always been the follower not the leader. He was more like me, I guess. Supporting those around him, even if it meant he was in the shadow. So I asked him why he did it. Why he learned it and why he continued to work with this group of ruffians.

His answer was simple to the point and I believe from the heart. “They are my friends.”

I nodded and told them I was totally in. I was their person. Their girl friday. And that I would have James teach me. “Sirius. I am a girl and I have a brain, so you would definitely get board with me.”
With that there was a slightly surprised look and Sirius responded in a way I never expected. He came up to me and took me in a hug. “For you, I would make an exception.” Then he shoved me back and said. “To the kitchens for dessert.”

We did not end up going to the kitchens we ended up going back to our tower. And morning came way too early for me. I was exhausted all day and still am. Should take a nap, but I have some studying to do before dinner.

Letter Interlude: To a dear friend.

Dear 'gail,

I know you are struggling at school and I thought I would write and give a little bit of sunshine. I miss our outings for coffee and photographs. It was fun this summer, between work and reading about the hoarding world.

Do you remember the walks in the dunes and around the lakes. That was a fun vacation. We were able to create some great stories and craft together some wonderful spells. I am learning so much more while I am here. I know there will be so much more that we can do together when I come home.

No, Remus hasn't really noticed me. I guess I have to be okay with that. I don't really know why I like him but I do. Then there is of course my friend at home, but that is very very very complicated, so I am trying really hard to keep it platonic and well, then there is you. But you like Remus, just see me as a friend. (I know I should stop pining for what I can't have.)

I haven't been having bad days while I am here and that is a good thing. The troupe keeps pushing me and that is really good.

I will tell you a little secret. It is their little shining eyes and pink and black noses and inquisitive natures that keep me going and get me out of bed every day.

Okay, I should go.... but first, you must tell me all about your classes. I am curiosity to know what a Wizarding School in my home state is like.

Be safe and smile.
