This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back
burner more so then ever. I am checking spelling but that does not
mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...
Journal Entry Twenty Four:
Classes look great. I know I can make
some of these work.
I can not believe how much I am liking History of Magic. There is so much you can do with what they are offering. And I love stories about Fae and have a fair knowledge about Seelie and UnSeelie Fae too. There might be away I can detect people who mean harm and could work that for the Fae too. Everything else I am not sure but I know I can handle what they throw at me.
This is going to be awesome. Just awesome.
Journal Entry Twenty Five:
I know I need to be more focused on Remus right now but I am still very concerned about who cursed me. I feel edgy like something is just sitting on the back of my neck and telling me that something is coming that will trip me up. That everything I care about is in danger. It is not fair. I swear life just keeps throwing things at me.
I will not fail this time. I will complete what I start out with. I will. I will. I WILL!!!
Journal Entry Twenty Six:
I managed to sneak into the restricted section last night. With the boys out for the night, this was the perfect time for me to do some personal research. I found the spell that can bond the essence of dementor to an object. It takes a fair amount of time to do, two months. And it has a shelf life. If it is not given to someone with in a week of the bonding the item loose the essence and it does not attach itself to a person. Once, however, the laced item is given to someone and attaches itself to them, it feeds off of their self doubt and insecurities. It draws out of them what a dementor actually would. However, it is easily gotten rid of, unless a permanency bonding to the intended target is add. There was a reference to another spell and spell book by the same author but I did not have time to search for it. I will have to do that in the next few nights. I am going to find out who did this and from everything I am finding, someone had to have planed this for sometime to make it work.
Letters stuffed in between pages...
Dear Abigail,
I am worried about Rei. I talked to her not too long ago again. I did not tell you about the first time because I did not want to worry you. But I think it is getting worse for her. She is talking about shadows and being followed.
I need to ask you to look for something she always seems to have with her, even if she does not want it with her. Does there seem to be a darkness clinging to her? I am afraid she has been cursed like I had been cursed. I know you have your doubts about that. But I really need you to keep an eye on Rei. She might start to lash out at people or worse, lash out at herself. I still bear some of the scars of those days.
Please 'gail. It is important. Let me know. Any way you can. And be careful. If it is a cursed item, they get nasty when you try and get rid of them.
Stay safe.
Dear 'kit,
Oh my lovely daughter. I thought I would send another package. I know you have a lot of homework you are working through but the Evans' seem to convey that you did not get very many of your own cookies. So I am sending you your own personal box of them. The secondary box is for your boys and yes I know they are your boys. That whole way you talk about them. They seem to want to protect you too from what Lily's mom has said. Just noticing. Maybe you could give the second box directly to Remus and let him share it if he wants to. I am just making a suggestion.
Well, I love you and be safe.
Journal Entry Twenty Seven:
I hid my tin of cookies and passed the other along to Lily and her dorm mates. I know it might be mean but I swear Sirius is a bottomless pit or he has a hollow leg. He just about vacuumed up the last batch mom sent me. Of course I had to explain a vacuum to the boys then. That was interesting. Being a muggle born in a wizarding world is sometimes really really difficult. I am so glad Lily is around otherwise I might go really insane.
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