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Friday, November 16, 2012

friends and defenses...

This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back burner more so then ever.  I am checking spelling but that does not mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...    

A letter in nice neat script on crisp parchment paper...
'Allo kit.

I know I have not written you all year but I have been really really really busy. My family and I have been traveling around the world. And encountering many many different types of witches and wizards. I have so much to tell you. There is this wonderful witch in Italy who does coffee and tea magic. I think you would like her store. It is amazing. There are amazing wizarding towns all over the world. I really liked the one in Italy and the one we went to in India. Austraila was interesting, I don't know if I like the town there, but there were a couple of interesting aborigines that were friendly.
I have a few items for you, Abigail and Rei. My parents and I will be in England next week and maybe we can meet up. I know you get the chance to go into Hogsmead on the weekends, so maybe we can meet up there. I understand there is a really good pub that serves wonderful Butterbeer.

My mom is so out of her element sometimes. She still has very muggle moments. But she is better than some. Of course my brother is driving me nuts as always and so is my sister. Both seem to be getting into their magical roots. Taking after dad. Quid seems to think he should be able to fly all the time. He is loving Quidditch. Personally I think he fell in love with it because it is similar to his name. Quidel is very similar to Quidditch. He thinks that the United States team should be a bit more aggressive in getting over to the European circuit but as I said he is a little obsessed.

Anyway, I will contact you through the floo network to let you know the time we will be in Hogsmead.

My parents are looking at sending Quid to Hogwarts if they would accept him. If they send a letter. We are hoping they do. I enjoyed my time at my school but I think he would be happier going to Hogwarts. Alyen we don't know yet. She has had a couple of odd things happening but she is who she is and she loves home. If she could have dad teach her she probably would.

Okay, got to dash and get this off to you. Talk soon.


Journal Thirty Nine A:

With everything going on I have missed Quidditch. I swear according to Sirius it was the end of the world. I think it is life running away with me and more important things happening.

I am trying to get classes done so that Remus and I can start working on the tracking spell.

Journal Entry Thirty Nine B:

I spoke with 'gail. Or rather I got yelled at by her. It is not fun getting yelled at by a friend. First she sends me a note through the floo network and demands that I talk to her. Then she yells at me. I understand that what I was speaking about with Rei was upsetting but it needed to be said. I tried to convince 'gail to get her necklace if she could and send it to me. She did not seem to want to do that. She seem to think that I am obsessed and that I was projecting my own problems on to Rei, who is very sensitive and influenced by what I say and do.

I need to try and get some sleep. Things are getting crazy. Once I get the necklace I can go after who is cursing us.

Journal Entry Forty:

Classes are definitely keeping me on my toes. And I made cooties... well sort of. They are not really cooties but a friend told a story about how someone viewed ladybugs as cooties.  I can understand that as they 'attacked' in a small space.  I decided to run with it.  I think they turned out incredibly well.

I like them... I might have to make a larger army of 'cooties'. Mwahahahahhahaha!!!

Journal Entry Forty One:

I hate being wet. Really hate it. I like how the spell turned out but I hate being wet. And it hurt my hands. Grrrr.

Now all I have to do is figure out how I am going to utilize it.

Journal Entry Forty Two:

Remus and I have found a spot to make up the potion and work the spell, now all we need is the necklace. Maybe Sayen can help convince Rei to give me the necklace.  
'gail has stopped talking to me I think and that is upsetting to me.

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