This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back
burner more so then ever. I am checking spelling but that does not
mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...
Journal Entry Forty Three A:
Remus and I started working on the
spell last night. It was a perfect night to start it. You don't
have to have all the tracking items to start the spell, but we will
need them in about a week. I am exhausted from the preparations and
set up we did last night. I actually believe that Remus let me sleep
for a few minuets. Because I found his school robes lain over me
when I opened my eyes again. If my life was different and his life
too. He keeps himself so distant because of his condition. But he
is my friend and that is the way it is going to have to stay, I
suppose. I am not one of those girls who does love spells. Too many
consequences. I do not need to end up with puppy love (oh that could
be a really bad pun... and Sirius would have loved it too and would
have said it was about him.)
I feel like such a girl right now.
Yes, I am a girl, I will always be a girl, but when I say I feel like
a girl it is a whole other complication. It is a sense of I am
fretting over a boy, or wanting to wear pink, or picking at a salad
because of my weight, instead of living my life to be me.
It is a little disturbing.
Journal Entry Forty Three B:
Sayen contacted me. She will be in
Hogsmead tomorrow. YEA!!!! I am so happy. It will be good to see
her. I miss my friends from home. I am really happy that she was
able to go on this trip with her family. Her father is a research
wizard who has been studying the migration patterns of fairies. He
is a very interesting man. Maybe I will even get an opportunity to
talk to him this summer.
Journal Entry Forty Four:
I got to see and spend the whole day
with Sayen. It was great. I told her everything that was going on.
I mean she knew all of what had happened last year but now she knows
what is going on this year. And she knows how much doubt I have too.
I have a lot of doubt again. Doubt about what I am doing whether or
not I should continue study at Hogwarts, if I should go and be with
my friends at WinterWare. Sayen was wonderful through it all. I
completely lost it over a pint of butterbeer.
(Side note:
I love butterbeer. I would drink it all day long if I could. It
makes me feel so happy. It is almost as good as coffee. And that is
saying something.)
But no really I lost it over a pint of
butterbeer. I just seem to crumple. I cried and shook and
raged about everything. About how I seem to be failing at school,
which she said I was not that I was doing great and achieving a lot
of things. How I seem to be failing my friends and bringing darkness
into their lives. She said I was not doing that either. That I was
bring hope by fighting my own darkness and noticing when others were
getting to that same spot I was. Then she went on to say if I
brought up my body image again she was going to stick me in a leather bustier, skinny jeans and silver stiletto heels and apparate me into
Hogwarts main hall and see what the boys did then. At the sheer
terror look that must have been across my face at that time she burst
out laughing.
“You need to figure out you 'kit.”
She told me. “What you want... not what other people want. Not
what I want from you. Not what your parents want from you. Not what
your trouble maker boys want from you. Not what the professors at
Hogwarts want from you. Not what Rei and Abigail want from you. Not
even what your troupe of ferrets want from you.” At this point in
time she took my hand. “No you need to figure out what you want,
figure out what makes you happy and go with it. Make it happen and
make the life you want.” She smiled at me. “Until then you will
be unhappy and unable to move forward with life.” I know she is
right. But that does not make it any easier to accomplish.
I will say we did wander around
Hogsmead and I picked up some wonderful candies at the sweet shop and
a couple of books at the book store too.
Journal Entry Forty Five:
The troupe glitterfid the dorm room.
Dumbles told me it was because they felt it had been too long and we
needed some inspiration again. So now I am sparklie. I hate being
sparklie. I like sparklies but I hate being sparklie.
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