This is my NANO (national novel writing month) so grammar is on the back
burner more so then ever. I am checking spelling but that does not
mean I won't miss something... read if you want and enjoy if you can...
Journal Entry Twenty:
I am worried about Rei. I don't know
what to do. She is scared and for the first time in a long time I am
scared for her. I used the floo network to talk to her. Connecting
the fireplaces between Hogwarts and WinterWare. I wonder if I should
not have come to Hogwarts this year. If I should have gone to
WinterWare with Rei and Abigail. I had something to prove by coming
here. I had to figure out who had me cursed last year and I know it
is connected to here, to Hogwarts. But I am very very concerned. I
think I am going to write 'gail. I want to know what she thinks
about Rei.
Journal Entry Twenty One:
Well, I seem to be waiting 'till the
last moment to turn in classes again. But I managed two more...
The wonderful little shawlette that I
cal Energized! (because it reminds me of energy) and would help find
someone in a crowd... very strong vibes coming off of it, for Defense Against Dark Arts.
And then for History of Magic and the
production of one of the Tales of Beetle the Bard. I made a stream.
I did a fair amount for classes... now
to finish my detention.
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